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Conectat la: 12 Noi 2003
Mesaje: 2032
Locatie: Bucuresti

MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 5:31 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Costin a scris:
Experiment:[/b] se masoara parametrii despre care credem noi (mai precis, voi) ca definesc sunetul unui cablu, nu se gaseste nici o diferenta si iata: toate cablurile suna la fel! V-a trecut cumva prin cap ideea ca habar nu aveti ce anume trebuie sa masurati? Nu, n-am sa va spun eu - nu sint "specialist" - stiu doar ca am ascultat cabluri diferite si am auzit diferente.

Cautand un post mai vechi de-al meu in incercarea de a sustine punctul de vedere al lui Costin, iata ce-am descoperit: Laughing

Costin scria la punctul 6 ...
Eu scriam ...

Care-i ala de zicea ca istoria se repeta ? Sau era aia, Shirley Bassey ...
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MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 5:31 pm    Titlul subiectului: Mitica


Conectat la: 13 Ian 2004
Mesaje: 2305

MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 5:44 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Costin a scris:

N.B. Intr-o vreme nu exista posibilitatea de a masura curbura Pamantului - concluzia? - Pamantul este plat (ca doar asa au spus "specialistii". Si hai la rug, Giordano Bruno Twisted Evil ).

Iti dai seama ca parabola se poate aplica si invers ?

Pe vremea aia se ardeau si vrajitoarele .
Vecinii sarmanelor femei erau cei mai aprigi si inversunati martori ai "vrajitoriilor" .

Costin ,
Eu te cred ca auzi diferente . Vorbesc serios si sunt convins ca sunt audibile . Problema ta este ca in loc sa folosesti un cablu serios ai dat banii pe niste cabluri de antena inpachetate sub forma de cablu audio .
Daca ai cumpara si tu un cablu profesional ai scapa de aceasta problema Laughing .

Anyway , discutia era despre " burn in " si despre faptul ca nimeni nu gaseste documentatie tehnica in sprijinul acestui mit audiofil .
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MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 6:07 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

audiophil: imi place foarte mult ce scri si cum scri! Tot respectul din partea mea! Bow Down
AbsoluteAudioFan: - exista dif. in sound din motive de schimbare umiditate/temp. in mediu - iata un adevar despre care nu s-a spus mare lucru si nu s-a discutat. Diferentele in sunet pot fi deosebit de semnificative in functie de umiditatea si presiunea aerului; am avut ocazia calatorind sa ma conving cum in diverse feluri de clima, acustica poate fi influentata semnificativ.

Conectat la: 14 Iul 2003
Mesaje: 970

MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 6:07 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Verba volant, scripta manent !

Ultima modificare efectuata de catre Costin la Mie Ian 04, 2006 3:13 pm, modificat de 1 data in total
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Conectat la: 13 Ian 2004
Mesaje: 2305

MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 7:16 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Costin ,
Ce cabluri de boxe ai ?
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Conectat la: 13 Ian 2004
Mesaje: 2305

MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 7:27 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Eu incep sa ma plictisesc .

Ce facem ?
Vin sau nu documentatiile alea despre prajeala ?

Stam si palapanim despre teoria polemicii .
Fratilor , mai bagati si voi material !

Momolo ,
Iti place tot ce scrie Audiophil sau numai partea in care este vorba de mine ?
Ai vazut ce scrie despre audiofilele LM3886 si TDA7294 ?
Esti de acord si cu partea asta ?
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Conectat la: 13 Ian 2004
Mesaje: 2305

MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 9:54 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Hi-Fi Super Cables

We have all seen advertisements for audio interconnects costing obscene amounts of money, and some of them actually do seem to sound better than "ordinary" interconnects. There is no "magic" here, these are often no more than a "pseudo balanced" cable, where the shield is connected at one end only, and the signal is carried by a pair of wires within the shield.

This is hardly worth all the money the hi-fi shops ask, since you can make them yourself, with good quality cable and connectors available from any electronics dealer.

As for so-called "directional" cable, this is utter rubbish. The only thing that is directional is the choice of which end the shield should be earthed at - send or receive. For cables having the shield connected at only one end, the answer is usually the sending end (e.g. the preamp, when connected to a power amp). It is worth pointing out that shielded cables should always have the shield connected at both ends, or noise reduction is imparied.

How can a cable carrying an AC signal be directional? There are some proponents of the oxygen free copper concept who will claim that if there is oxygen in the copper, it will be as copper oxide, and that copper oxide is a semiconductor, semiconductors rectify, and will therefore introduce distortion. Prove it to me!

I defy anyone to produce concrete proof in any form that a cable is capable of introducing distortion - at any level. Even if we assume that there is some validity in the copper-oxide rectifier theory, all semiconductors have their forward conduction voltage (e.g. 0.65V for silicon) - I don't know what it is for copper oxide, but even if it were as little as 100mV (highly unlikely!), this would require that there was a 100mV or more difference between adjacent conductors for rectification to occur. Since the loss along a 1m length of signal interconnect cable will be a very small fraction of this, I (and many others) do not consider that this is in any way possible.

So, if there is no validity at all in spending $200 for an interconnect cable, why do people say how great they sound? Easy. If you had just spent that much and could hear no difference, would you be game to admit it to anyone? No, you will be tempted to try to convince yourself that you must be able to hear some difference, otherwise you just wasted $190, since a $10 cable would work just as well.

As a matter of interest, you might also want to have a look at my editorial page, which has some challenging things to say about $3000 mains leads (and no, that is not a misprint!).

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Conectat la: 18 Dec 2003
Mesaje: 2393
Locatie: Bucuresti

MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 10:11 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Inca n-ai aflat de asta: http://www.bybeetech.com/ourtech.asp
Aici sa vezi chestii, te miri de ce "corole de minuni" poti gasi in cabluri...
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Conectat la: 13 Ian 2004
Mesaje: 2305

MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 10:42 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Stai sa vezi ce gasii io !

De plictiseala , ma apucai sa caut vreo documentatie , ceva ce sa-mi rastoarne teoriile .
Tot sapand netul in lung si in lat am gasit ceva de belea ( era sa-mi ramana berea in gat - noroc ca iesit pe nas ).

O mostra :

First put the fine wood cable box into the listening room for a day with no sounds or activity to add stress. The next day open the box and put on something using the existing cables, that isn't very challanging, such as The Four Seasons. Leave the room and close the door so you don't go mad.
Next day remove the cables from the box and unroll them. Play another tune equally unchallanging...After this, return the cables to their box and let them rest.

The third day hook them up, and play the piece. If it sounds good than remove them immedietly to the box as a "reward"

I'm sure that the clever among you can see where I am going with this. After about a week, your cables will be capable of thundering Wagner cycles and Mahler Symphonies better than you have ever heard in your life.

Just remember that a slip up in this stage- going too fast- may destroy any chance of the cables ever performing optimally.

Ce zici ? Cool

Apropo , am vazut recent la TV , un taran care a vazut si el ca pentru a mari productia de lapte , trebuie sa pui muzica in grajdul vacilor .
Zis si facut .
A cumparat omul nostru un casetofon din bazar si toata ziua le pune manele de inima albastra ROFL .

Si noi ne intrebam de unde vine boala vacii nebune .
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Conectat la: 13 Ian 2004
Mesaje: 2305

MesajTrimis: Vin Mar 11, 2005 11:52 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

It�s nice to see a civilized discussion fostering from all viewpoints and opinions. However, my objective is to focus on facts. Since we all seem to have limited the discussion to speaker cables, I will address this topic specifically.

1) I think we call can agree that the best cable is no cable at all and thus R=L=C=0
2) As any of these parameters deviate from zero, our ideal cable also deviates from ideal.
3) Cable cost often has no correlation with R,L,C parameters of the cables.

Engineering Facts:
1) A cable at audio frequencies can do one or all of three things in a system:
A) Alter Frequency Response
B) Change Group Delay
C) Cause RF ingress

Frequency response and Group delay alteration are interrelated. You can�t have one without the other. RF ingress is rare but can occur with high capacitance cables connected to a high impedance load driven by an amp with a high unity gain crossing. Usually a Zobel network of the correct R,C values terminated at the speaker side can minimize this.

Aside from these three issues, there in nothing else that can affect the sonic signature of the speaker cable. Cables do not exhibit non linear distortion. Competently designed speaker cables do not suffer from Skin Effect, Diode Rectification, Moons gravitational field strength, etc. There are no mysteries to cable science. Unlike brain surgery nd astrophysics, it is a well understood field from DC to GHz, well documented, measured, and peer reviewed. To claim otherwise, and to claim you can�t always measure what you can hear in a cable imposes one or all of the following scenarios:
1) lack of understanding of basic electronics
2) promotion of marketing literature for increased cable sales

AGAIN: There is nothing in a speaker cable that can be heard that CANNOT be measured. Magnetic Analyzers and Distortion Analyzers are far more precise and consistent than the human ear by a factor of over 1000 times!

Dr. Floyd Tool ( VP Engineering, Harman International ) has already proven that the human in biased from perception and visual stimulus.
If you see the product before listening, your mind already has received sensory input, which can and will affect your judgement. This is why the only credible way to quantify sonic differences in cables is to conduct a Double Blind Listening Test (DBT). Though you will find many exotic cable vendors and cable forum cult hobbyists objectionable to this testing. In fact, there is even one cable forum, which I will not name, that has banned this sort of discussion on their forum. However it is the only way to truly determine sonic differences in cables. Let�s also not forget that just because one measures differences in cables, doesn�t necessarily follow that they will hear a difference.

For the record, some of our articles are centered around Audioquest for one single reason. They were the only exotic vendor cordial enough to respond to our inquiries. While their claims and marketing literature appear to be misguided, some of their products do look nice and may actually perform well. This however cannot be confirmed since they don't publically post their cable specifications and to my knowledge, no independent review source has ever measured them.
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Conectat la: 13 Ian 2004
Mesaje: 2305

MesajTrimis: Sam Mar 12, 2005 12:11 am    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)


The End !
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Conectat la: 27 Aug 2004
Mesaje: 1881
Locatie: 23.06.2006-stadion Lia Manoliu

MesajTrimis: Sam Mar 12, 2005 12:06 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Costin a scris:
MLGore a scris:
Experiment: se masoara acesti trei parametrii ai cablului inainte si dupa "ardere". Daca rezultatele difera cu mai putin de 1 la mie atunci nu mai conteaza (abaterea e mult mai mica decat "toleranta" sistemului audio, fie el cat de bun)
Experiment: se masoara parametrii despre care credem noi (mai precis, voi) ca definesc sunetul unui cablu, nu se gaseste nici o diferenta si iata: toate cablurile suna la fel! V-a trecut cumva prin cap ideea ca habar nu aveti ce anume trebuie sa masurati? Nu, n-am sa va spun eu - nu sint "specialist" - stiu doar ca am ascultat cabluri diferite si am auzit diferente.

N.B. Intr-o vreme nu exista posibilitatea de a masura curbura Pamantului - concluzia? - Pamantul este plat (ca doar asa au spus "specialistii". Si hai la rug, Giordano Bruno Twisted Evil ).

Costin, sunetul nu se propaga prin cablu, cablul nu are sunet! Cand vorbim de cabluri ne referim strict la curent electric.
Nu m-ar mira sa apara in curand parametrii thiele small la cabluri.....

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Conectat la: 29 Noi 2004
Mesaje: 3916
Locatie: vesnicele plaiuri ale vanatoarei

MesajTrimis: Sam Mar 12, 2005 1:02 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Au aparut deja... se cheama parametrii Stan si Bran Cool
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Conectat la: 14 Iul 2003
Mesaje: 970

MesajTrimis: Sam Mar 12, 2005 1:19 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Verba volant, scripta manent !

Ultima modificare efectuata de catre Costin la Mie Ian 04, 2006 3:17 pm, modificat de 1 data in total
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Conectat la: 26 Noi 2003
Mesaje: 792
Locatie: Slatina/Olt

MesajTrimis: Sam Mar 12, 2005 3:38 pm    Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Cred ca unii nici nu mai aud bine, asa ca nu conteaza nici un cablu sau alte artificii
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